How We Work

Graziano Public Relations is fleet and flexible. We want to be a key asset in your marketing and communications portfolio.

As a first step in adding value to your organization, we work with you to clearly define the goals, scope, expectations and resources available for the initiatives you entrust to us. We want the “surprises” GPR provides to be pleasant ones.

Regarding our involvement, we can serve as part of an intermediate or long-term effort. There we work with you to develop a program to serve the needs of one or more groups in your organization. Alternately, we can participate on a project basis if that is a better fit.

Throughout the process, GPR operates well with your organizational structure. We can design initiatives on an hourly or retainer basis. Where outside contactors are needed for services like printing or video production, we will provide clear and detailed estimates for your review before going forward.

We can provide progress reports on a daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly basis. Of course, if you have questions about your program, you can always reach a senior person with the answers.

Let’s talk and see how we can help.

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